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Михаил Зборовский: Космобет как пример важности личности в построении сильного бренда

В современном мире бизнесов и технологий бренды становятся не просто логотипами и названиями, а мощными персонализированными экосистемами. Сегодня клиенты доверяют не только продукту, но и личности, стоящей за ним. Михаил Зборовский Космобет бенефициар, уверен, что ключевым фактором успешного бренда является человеческое лицо и лидерская стратегия. Почему личность основателя важна для бренда? В эпоху новых ценностей …

Михаил Зборовский: Космобет как пример важности личности в построении сильного бренда Read More »

Twenty Liberian Businesses Secure Up to $40,000 Grants Each from Liberia MSMEs Growth Accelerator Programme

In a significant boost to Liberia’s entrepreneurial landscape, twenty Liberian businesses have been awarded co-financing grants of up to US$40,000 each following a successful two-day official pitching and selection event as part of the Liberia MSMEs Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme – Cohort IV. This initiative, which aims to scale up impactful enterprises across the country, …

Twenty Liberian Businesses Secure Up to $40,000 Grants Each from Liberia MSMEs Growth Accelerator Programme Read More »

Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme – Application Process Concluded

We are excited to announce the successful conclusion of the application process for the Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme Cohort – IV. We received an overwhelming response with a total of 114 applications from across Liberia. This demonstrates a strong interest and commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation in our country. Here is a detailed breakdown of …

Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme – Application Process Concluded Read More »

Liberia MSMEs Growth Accelerator Programme – Cohort III

We are delighted to share the news of the renewal of the Growth Accelerator programme for the third year in a row. This programme is designed to support Liberian businesses and cooperatives that are making a significant impact on the community. The programme covers seven counties, including Montserrado, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount, Nimba, Grand Bassa, …

Liberia MSMEs Growth Accelerator Programme – Cohort III Read More »