Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme – Application Process Concluded

We are excited to announce the successful conclusion of the application process for the Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme Cohort – IV. We received an overwhelming response with a total of 114 applications from across Liberia. This demonstrates a strong interest and commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation in our country.

Here is a detailed breakdown of the applications received:

Gender Breakdown:

  • Female Applicants: 71
  • Male Applicants: 15
  • Unspecified Applicants: 28

Geographical Distribution:

  • Montserrado: 69
  • Nimba: 15
  • Lofa: 10
  • Bong: 6
  • Sinoe: 1
  • Grand Gedeh: 1
  • Other Non-Project Counties: 12

We are thrilled to see such a diverse group of entrepreneurs from various regions and backgrounds showing interest in the Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme. This diversity is essential for fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in Liberia.

The next step involves the rigorous review of all applications to select the most promising and innovative businesses to join our programme. We look forward to working with these entrepreneurs to help them scale their ventures, achieve their business goals, and contribute to the economic development of Liberia.

Thank you to everyone who applied and expressed interest in the Growth Accelerator Liberia Programme.

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